Eating a plant-based diet doesn’t have to be complicated. Change is never easy, however, with the right approach this experience can be a fun, smooth, and a successful transition. In just 3 steps you can begin your plant-based journey. Plan, prepare and let’s do it!!!
Congratulations on your journey to living a vibrant life today and leaving a legacy of health and wealth for tomorrow.
Step 1. Plan
The first step is a fun exercise. Think of all the healthy foods that you like and jot them down. Be open to trying new foods, new recipes, and new products. Think broadly about the different meals of the day including breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Remember, there are meals that can be easily modified to be plant-based. For instance, if you like cereal and milk for breakfast, substitute the milk with almond milk or rice milk. Keep in mind the substitutions also work for fast-food.
Step 2. Prepare
People often stumble while dining out. Here are a few tips to overcome this hurdle. Opt for international cuisine. Whether it’s Mexican, Italian, or Thai, international cuisines often carry many plant-based staples. For instance, vegetable stir-fries, bean burritos, spaghetti marinara, and vegetable pad Thai, just to name a few. Whether it’s a planned outing or an unexpected grab and go be sure to have a plan in place.
Step 3. Let’s do it
Remember all the healthy foods you jotted down on step 1? For the next 21 days your job is to eat. For the next three weeks your diet will consist of only plant-based foods. Take it one day at a time and before you know it, you’ll be comfortable with a plant-based diet.
By the end of three weeks, two things will likely happen. You’ll be healthier and chances are you’ll have lost weight. Now that you’ve done it, keep it going. Don’t forget to plan, prepare, and let’s do it. Congratulations on your journey to living a vibrant life today and leaving a legacy of health and wealth for tomorrow.
Disclaimer: The information in this article is educational and general in nature. Neither Plant Sustained, nor author intend this article as a substitute for medical diagnosis, counsel, or treatment by a qualified health professional.